Arkansas proudly proclaims itself the Natural State, and natural features have provided our state with many of our place names. Early settlers traveled mostly by our rivers and bayous, and charted their way by means of landmarks such as notable pines atop a bluff, or a remarkable grouping of small rocks, or a natural dam across a river. As settlement moved inland, mountains and valleys took on descriptive names. The abundance of flora and fauna, also, is clear from many place names. Settlers were struck by the abundance of pea vines, flowers, and especially the trees that were a ready source of lumber and fuel. Among the wildlife that intrigued (and fed) early settlers, bison and bears were appreciated, wolves and cougars were feared, while turkeys, parakeets, and many other less-hated animals found their way onto the Arkansas map. Join us as we explore the natural place names that grace our state.
Daniel Boice, University of Arkansas at Monticello