The Arkansas Times uncovered evidence that documents may have been correctly submitted to the Secretary of State's office contrary to statements made by the office. Arkansans For Limited Government has been working since February to put an amendment on the ballot legalizing abortion in Arkansas up to the 18th week of pregnancy. The collected over 101 thousand signatures collected by a pro-choice group were thrown out. Arkansas For Limited Government attempted They submitted their boxes of signatures to the Secretary of State's office on July 5th.
Secretary of State John Thurston, threw out their signatures because he said the group “failed to comply” with Arkansas law. In a letter sent to one of the sponsors, Secretary Thurston said they violated A.C.A. 7-9-111 (f)(2). This law mandates two pieces of paperwork be turned in with signatures: a list of paid canvassers, and a signed statement by the sponsor proving the paid canvassers read the handbook.
Arkansans for Limited Government says they did submit the needed paperwork to put their amendment on the ballot in 2024. The Arkansas Times uncovered new information showing the group may have turned in these required documents. Time reporter Benjamin Hardy was involved in requesting the documents from the Secretary of State's office using the Freedom of Information Act.
The Arkansas Times shared Little Rock Public Radio on the drop box containing both a list of paid signature gatherers and cards from each paid signature gatherer showing that they had seen the “applicable Arkansas law.”
“We are trying to figure out all the moving pieces here,” explains Benjamin Hardy, managing editor at the Arkansas Times.
Hardy said they still have not gotten “any explanation” on the discrepancy.
In a statement to Little Rock Public Radio The Secretary of State's office said that they “reaffirmed” their earlier letter.
Attorney General Tim Griffin agreed with Thurston's decision.
“The facts are clear: the sponsor failed to meet both requirements, facts the sponsor itself doesn’t contest,” he said in a statement.
The group remains adamant they did turn in the correct paperwork. In a statement earlier this week, they said: “this is not over.”