A longtime philosophy professor is challenging the Republican incumbent to represent Arkansas House District 54, which includes parts of Faulkner, Perry, Pope, Saline, and Yell counties
The report lists completed and ongoing efforts to find and address factors contributing to Arkansas’ high maternal mortality rate.
The funding is distributed by the Environmental Protection Agency and will be split between Central Arkansas, the Fort Smith area, and Northwest Arkansas.
Eric E. Harrison joins LRPR's All Things Considered to share upcoming arts and culture events on today's Weekend Entertainment Roundup.
Nine days after a shooting killed four people and injured at least 11 others in Fordyce, Gov. Sarah Sanders met with emergency responders, community members, and laid flowers at a memorial honoring the victims.
The 570,000-square-foot facility will focus on developing, producing and distributing ready-to-drink coffee products.
The report looks at how children and families fare across four areas in each state: economic well-being, education, health, and family and community
Eric E. Harrison joins LRPR's All Things Considered to share upcoming arts and culture events on today's Weekend Entertainment Roundup.
“Unlocked: A Jail Experiment” has polarized Pulaski County officials.
Brownfields are under-utilized properties with potential hazardous substances or pollution getting in the way of redevelopment. Condemned buildings, old scrap yards, and hazardous waste sites risk becoming brownfields if neglected by the surrounding community.