The startup is backed by Bill Gates and plans to scale up quickly from its Arkansas roots to become a global force for combatting climate change.
The funding is distributed by the Environmental Protection Agency and will be split between Central Arkansas, the Fort Smith area, and Northwest Arkansas.
The funding will be used to purchase land inhabited by endangered species of fish, mussels, and bats.
Brownfields are under-utilized properties with potential hazardous substances or pollution getting in the way of redevelopment. Condemned buildings, old scrap yards, and hazardous waste sites risk becoming brownfields if neglected by the surrounding community.
The partnership will use nearly $94 million in federal funds to help low-income families acquire solar power.
$93.67 million from the EPA's Solar for All grant program will fund residential solar benefitting low-income and disadvantaged communities in Arkansas.
“Hopefully, each year our volunteers will go up, but the amount of litter they pick up will go down.”
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $53.099 million for Arkansas to implement drinking water and clean water infrastructure upgrades.
90% of the electricity needs of the state's largest county will now be powered by solar energy.
A representative of the Environmental Protection Agency outlined how they're focusing environmental justice efforts on disadvantaged communities.