Eric E. Harrison joins Little Rock Public Radio to share upcoming arts and culture events in Central Arkansas.
Eric E. Harrison joins Little Rock Public Radio to share upcoming arts and culture events in Central Arkansas.
Eric E. Harrison joins Little Rock Public Radio to share upcoming arts and culture events in Central Arkansas.
The $5.2 million project is expected to begin in January and finish construction before the 2025 holiday season, officials said.
LRock RX Compounding Pharmacy celebrated a grand opening with a ribbon cutting Monday.
Eric Harrison joins LRPR's All Things Considered to share the latest events on the Weekend Entertainment Roundup.
The event marked the first Chamber meeting to ever host two current presidential nominees for ambassadors to foreign countries.
Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families outlined plans to advocate for maternal health, Medicaid expansion, and economic policy in the upcoming 2025 legislative session.
Eric E. Harrison joins LRPR to share upcoming arts, culture, and music events for the Weekend Entertainment Roundup.
Eric E. Harrison joins LRPR to share upcoming arts, culture, and music events for the Weekend Entertainment Roundup.