The legislation, called Arkansas ACCESS, intends to reform “acceleration, common sense, cost, eligibility, scholarships, and standardization” in higher education policy.
Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Thursday announced new legislation aimed at improving maternal health for the lowest-income Arkansans.
The proposed bill would require Jefferson County to revert to the previous year's budget to end a shutdown that's lasted since the beginning of January.
If approved by the Trump Administration, this would mark the second time Arkansas Medicaid recipients would be subject to a work requirement.
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Thursday she wants to impose work requirements on some Medicaid recipients.
Fighting child hunger, ending the mental health crisis and big changes to higher education are all on the menu for lawmakers.
Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced new appointees to the state's highest court and the Secretary of State's Office on Friday.
Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced over $26 million in Higher Industry Readiness through Educational Development, or HIRED, grants on Thursday.
Development continues for a new prison in the west Arkansas city of Charleston, as locals are fighting to put the prison anywhere else.
The event marked the first Chamber meeting to ever host two current presidential nominees for ambassadors to foreign countries.